

Developing products with a cultural and emotional connection is one of the purpose behind our project. 
As we grow as a business we aim to expand our practices to become a more socially and environmentally conscious company. 
We are ready to act for a fairer and more sustainable future, focusing on longevity, transparency, human rights and production processes.

Longevity is essential to us.
Extending the product life is the best way to decrease its environmental impact.
We believe that one of our main responsibilities is to create items of high quality that can stand the test of time.

Transparency is a moral obligation.
As a result, we ensure 100% documented traceability along the supply chain. All shoes are handcrafted in Puglia, Italy. 
Boxes are produced 700 meters away from the shoe factory. Our localised production also means we limit environmental impact. We do not overproduce: each season we carefully design and produce the relevant styles and quantities.

We ensure protection of human rights and fair working conditions by selecting our suppliers carefully.

We understand that production processes have a significant impact on energy consumption and for that reason almost 100% of all electricity consumed at our production location now originate from renewable sources.

As a small business, we are committed to making better choices every day.
If you have any further questions regarding our sustainability activities, please don't hesitate to contact us at


Pictures taken in the factory where our products are crafted by hand.
Puglia, Italy. October 2021

Part of the photovoltaic system located in the factory that produces our products.
March 2022


handcrafted in puglia, italy